Rolling Green 91 Octane Flower

Hybrid Indica|

Rolling Green 91 Octane Flower

Hybrid Indica|

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Razor-sharp all the way through, combining citrus and green-apple flavors with a kick of diesel fumes. A great sativa-like smoke that fires on all cylinders.

Species / Type

Hybrid Indica

THC Range


Goes Great WithMusic, Partying
Strain91 Octane
SKU: 12421 Category: Tag:


Rolling Green Cannabis is a team of lifelong New York State residents with a combined thirty years of growing experience. At our cultivation facility in Greene NY, we’re pursuing the fullest expression of each plant’s potential, limited only by its genetics, using the most sophisticated growing techniques available. Controlled environment agriculture and a well-stocked library of diverse genetics allows us to offer an extensive collection of high-quality cannabis, scientifically grown and carefully finished, appealing to connoisseurs and newcomers alike.


Terpenesbeta-Caryophyllene; Limone; alpha-Pinene; alpha-Humulene
Terpene FlavorsDiesel, Citrus