Florist Farms Durban Poison Rechargable Vape


Florist Farms Durban Poison Rechargable Vape


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This pure sativa strain boasts a sweet aroma and a potent, uplifting effect that’s perfect for staying focused and creative throughout a bustling day or embarking on outdoor adventures. With its delightful hints of fruit, pine, and sage, and a rich terpene profile led by terpinolene, myrcene, and ocimene, this cartridge ensures a truly enjoyable and productive cannabis experience.

Species / Type


FlavorHerbal with a fruity kick
StrainDurban Poison
SKU: 10917 Categories: , ,


Florist Farms is an organic farm that practices regenerative farming practices based in Cortland, New York. It’s Florist Farms’ commitment to making the finest, carefully crafted products free of pesticides, chemicals, and fillers. All from right here in New York.


TerpenesTerpinolene, Myrcene, and Limonene